These are just some hints. For more details please consult the manual.
How to get the VIOS level:
padmin@vio~$ ioscli ioslevel
How to configure new devices (the equivalent of cfgmgr under root):
padmin@vio~$ cfgdev
How to list the unmapped disks:
padmin@vio~$ lspv -free
How to list adapter id:
padmin@vio~$ lsmap -all|grep 102
How to list vio adapter devices:
padmin@vio~$ lsmap -vadapter vhost2
How to remove a virtual device:
padmin@vio~$ rmvdev -vtd vroota10_02
How to remove vio device:
padmin@vio~$ rmdev -dev vhost2
How to become root:
padmin@vio~$ oem_setup_env
How to list hdisks attached to vio (run the command as root):
root@vio~# mpio_get_config -Av
How to create virtual optical adapter:
padmin@vio~$ mkvdev -fbo -vadapter vhost17 -dev vcdrom_a06
How to create a disk backing device by specifying a name:
padmin@vio~$ mkvdev -vdev hdisk30 -vadapter vhost17 -dev server_size_number
How to list repository (installation media, for example):
padmin@vio~$ lsrep
How to load virtual optical media disk:
padmin@vio~$ loadopt -disk aix61_0102_dvd -vtd vcdrom_a06
How to check the priority and status of SEA:
padmin@vio~$ entstat -all entX | grep Priority
[NPIV] How to check the vfchost adapter slot number and status:
padmin@vio~$ lsmap -all -npiv
[NPIV] How to list the ports that are capable of N_Port ID virtualization (NPIV-capable ports):
If the fabric attribute is set to 1 it means the adapter and the SAN switch are NPIV ready.
padmin@vio~$ lsnports
[NPIV] How map virtual fiber channel server adapter to the physical fc adapter fcs0:
padmin@vio~$ vfcmap -vadapter vfchost0 -fcp fcs0
Wondering what AIX commands a padmin command runs?
padmin@vio~$ [color=green]export CLI_DEBUG=33[/color] padmin@vio~$ lsmap -vadapter vhost0 AIX: "lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -s vdevice -F "name" | wc -l -c" AIX: "lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -s vdevice -F "name"" AIX: "lsdev -C -l vhost0 -F "physloc"" AIX: "lsdev -p vhost0 -F "name" | wc -l -c" AIX: "lsdev -p vhost0 -F "name"" SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID --------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ vhost0 U9117.MMA.06EXXXX-V2-C20 0x00000003 VTD ty7a0208_32G_01 Status Available LUN 0x8100000000000000 Backing device hdisk4 Physloc U789D.001.DQD04X0-P1-C1-T1-W000000000110AE0F-L2000000000000 Mirrored false
You cannot redirect stuff into a file due to padmin restrictions but you can use vi
if you want to write a script or something. By the way, $HOME is in PATH. Take a look:
$ pwd /home/padmin $ echo "echo hello" >bah rksh: bah: 0403-019 The operation is not allowed in a restricted shell. $ vi bah $ chmod 755 bah $ /home/padmin/bah rksh: /home/padmin/bah: 0403-019 The operation is not allowed in a restricted shell. $ ./bah rksh: ./bah: 0403-019 The operation is not allowed in a restricted shell. $ bah hello
How to run vio command as root (NOT RECOMMENDED):
# /usr/ios/cli/ioscli lsmap -all
How to apply IOS fixes (Put the IOS fixes somewhere (e.g. /home/iosfixes), then run:
# updateios -dev /home/iosfixes -accept
How to reset VIO password from hmc with the command viosvrcmd, read here.
How to do a backup image of VIO:
# backupios -file vio1_backup_image.sysb -mksysb