So you are here wondering how to see hidden files in macOS? Actually, in finder but you know.
Well, first of all, you need to know what hidden files are. They are somewhat important and normally you cannot see them in finder for various reasons. One of them is: they are UGLY! Kidding :) No, they are.
Ok, let's move on. So, you can see them in many ways, one of them is via terminal with "ls -la" command. But I bet you do not like to get your hands dirty or you simply do not have the GUTS to open the terminal.
For wimps like you, there is a shortcut in finder: CMD+SHIFT+. Did I wrote wimps? I meant winners, victorious, exceptional.
And, one more thing: "." is DOT, the key with a dot on it. A dot and the "angled bracket pointing to the right" that I am not allowed to type it in youtube's description but here I can: >. Really, I am not allowed in youtube.
Now you know two things. No, three:
1. hidden files are ugly,
2. how to reveal and hide the hidden files,
3. you cannot insert angled brackets in youtube's video description.