How to replace tab with newline:
gz@linux:~$ cat list str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 str8 gz@linux:~$ cat list | tr '\t' '\n' >list2 gz@linux:~$ cat list2 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 str8
How to get different parts of a string, for example with path and file name:
gz:tips# foo=/tmp/dir/filename.tar.gz gz:tips# echo ${foo%/*} /tmp/dir gz:tips# echo ${foo##*/} filename.tar.gz gz:tips# echo ${foo%%.*} /tmp/dir/filename gz:tips# echo ${foo%.tar.gz} /tmp/dir/filename gz:tips# echo ${foo#*.} tar.gz
How to rename multiple files, same name and different extension:
In this example below, I need to rename all win11* files into win11usb*.
fmbp16:win11usb.vmwarevm $ ls win11* win11.nvram win11.plist win11.vmsd win11.vmx win11.vmxf fmbp16:win11usb.vmwarevm $ for i in $(ls win11*); do mv ${i} win11usb.${i#*.}; done fmbp16:win11usb.vmwarevm $ ls win11* win11usb.nvram win11usb.plist win11usb.vmsd win11usb.vmx win11usb.vmxf fmbp16:win11usb.vmwarevm $
How to find and rename recursively. First example is for files and second for directories:
gz:tips# for FILE in $(find . -type f -name "*foo*"); do NEW=`echo $FILE | sed -e 's/foo/bar/'`; mv "$FILE" "$NEW"; done
gz:tips# for DIR in $(find . -type d -name "*foo*"); do NEW=`echo $DIR | sed -e 's/foo/bar/'`; mv "$DIR" "$NEW"; done
How to display with awk from a desired column to the end. In the examples below we will display the free space for all vgs in AIX system:
root@gzaix:~# [color=green]for i in $(lsvg -o); do printf "$i ==>\t";lsvg $i| grep -i free| awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$4)) }'; done[/color] datavg06 ==> FREE PPs: 3 (384 megabytes) datavg ==> FREE PPs: 489 (62592 megabytes) datavg01 ==> FREE PPs: 549 (70272 megabytes) datavg04 ==> FREE PPs: 4 (512 megabytes) datavg03 ==> FREE PPs: 109 (13952 megabytes) datavg02 ==> FREE PPs: 159 (20352 megabytes) datavg07 ==> FREE PPs: 4 (256 megabytes) datavg08 ==> FREE PPs: 125 (8000 megabytes) datavg05 ==> FREE PPs: 143 (18304 megabytes) rootvg ==> FREE PPs: 13 (1664 megabytes)
How to search for a string in multiple files on linux:
root@linux:~# find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i book
How to search and replace a string in multiple files on linux:
root@linux:~# find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/book/BOOK/g'
How to search for directories with a specific number of files inside:
FILESCOUNT="1"; find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec bash -c "echo -ne ‘{}’; ls ‘{}’ | wc -l" \; | awk -v fc="$FILESCOUNT" ‘$NF==fc {print $0} END {print "The dirs above have " fc " files inside."}’
How to display the last column from an output:
root@aix:/ # lssrc -s nimsh Subsystem Group PID Status nimsh nimclient inoperative root@aix:/ # lssrc -s nimsh | awk '{print $NF}' Status inoperative
How to extract only numbers from a string with bash:
root@linux:~# [color=green]TEST="1238ksds98amnsa62knb2gi2v23v"[/color] root@linux:~# [color=green]echo ${TEST//[!0-9]/}[/color] 123898622223 root@linux:~# [color=green]echo ${TEST//[^0-9]/}[/color] 123898622223
How to extract only numbers from a string with sed:
root@linux:~# [color=green]echo 1238ksds98amnsa62knb2gi2v23v | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'[/color] 123898622223
Passing variable to awk:
root@linux:~# [color=green]for i in 21684 26667 20991; do ps -ef | awk -v ss="$i" '$2 ~ ss { print }'; done[/color] root 21684 10157 0 Nov22 tty1 00:00:00 -bash root 26667 1 0 Nov22 ? 00:00:00 dhclient3 eth2 vbox 20991 20983 0 Oct24 ? 00:00:00 gnome-session
another example:
florian@florian:~$ [color=green]for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo $i | awk -v ss="awkvar$i" '{print ss" from "$0}'; done[/color] awkvar1 from 1 awkvar2 from 2 awkvar3 from 3 awkvar4 from 4 awkvar5 from 5
How to count a string's characters:
root@linux:~$ STRING="12345" root@linux:~$ echo "Chars: ${#STRING}" Chars: 5
How to remove blank lines from a file using grep and awk:
root@linux:~# cat /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 abcde fgh ijklmn
root@linux:~# grep -v ^$ /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 abcde fgh ijklmn
root@linux:~# awk 'NF != 0 {print} ' /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 abcde fgh ijklmn
How to add a line after some string
(to add "BOOOOOOO!" if the line contains "abc" (first example) or if the line is "fgh" (second example)):
root@linux:~# awk '{print ; if ($0 ~ "abc") print "BOOOOOOO!"}' /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 abcde BOOOOOOO! fgh ijklmn
root@linux:~# awk '{print ; if ($0 == "fgh") print "BOOOOOOO!"}' /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 abcde fgh BOOOOOOO! ijklmn
How to transform a line from lowercase to uppercase with sed:
root@linux:~# sed 's/abcde/ABCDE/g' /tmp/test.txt 1234567890 ABCDE fgh ijklmn
How to split a string after the second delimiter with sed:
gz@linux:~$ echo "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9" | sed "s/\([^:]*:[^:]*\):/\1\n/g" 1:2 3:4 5:6 7:8 9
gz@linux:~$ echo "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9" | sed "s/[^:]*:[^:]*:/& /g" | sed "s/: /\n/g" 1:2 3:4 5:6 7:8 9
or in ksh
gz@aix~# echo "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9" | sed "s/\([^:]*:[^:]*\):/\1 /g" | tr " " "\n" 1:2 3:4 5:6 7:8 9
How to replace the 3rd same (repetitive) character with another:
srt@gz$ echo "00:21:26:400 --> 00:21:28:400" | sed "s/\([^00:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*\):/\1\,/g" 00:21:26,400 --> 00:21:28,400
How to convert uppercase to lowercase characters in a file with TR:
florian@florian:~$ cat b ASLDJSLDJSLKJD SLKJDLKSJDLK SOIDUSOIDUOIS SDOSDSJLD florian@florian:~$ cat b | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' asldjsldjslkjd slkjdlksjdlk soidusoiduois sdosdsjld florian@florian:~$ cat b | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' asldjsldjslkjd slkjdlksjdlk soidusoiduois sdosdsjld
How to rename filenames in different order (for example files like "This is file 001.jpg" to "001 file is This.jpg"):
1. Put them to a file like ls.txt.
2. Run this script in the same directory.
#!/bin/bash # cat ls.txt | sed s/.jpg//g | while read line; do arr=($line) mv "${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[2]} ${arr[3]}.jpg" "${arr[3]} ${arr[2]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[0]}.jpg" done
How to calculate and display in AIX disk space in GB:
Total from bootinfo:
root@aix:~# [color=green]for i in $(lspv|awk '{print $1}' | xargs); do bootinfo -s $i; done | awk '{ s = s+$1/1024 } END { printf "Total disk space: %dGB\n",s }'[/color] Total disk space: 4125GB
Total from lsvg info:
root@aix:~# [color=green]for i in $(lsvg -o); do lsvg $i| grep -i total| awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$7)) }'; done | sed "s/[^0-9]//g" | awk '{ s = s+$1/1024 } END { printf "Total: %dGB\n",s }'[/color] Total: 559GB
Total used and free from lsvg info:
root@aix:~# [color=green]for i in $(lsvg -o); do lsvg $i| grep -i free| awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$7)) }'; done | sed "s/[^0-9]//g" | awk '{ s = s+$1/1024 } END { printf "Free: %dGB\n",s }'[/color] Free: 20GB root@aix:~# [color=green]for i in $(lsvg -o); do lsvg $i| grep -i used| awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$6)) }'; done | sed "s/[^0-9]//g" | awk '{ s = s+$1/1024 } END { printf "Used: %dGB\n",s }'[/color] Used: 538GB
How to search for files which contains a specific text within a tar archive:
root@aix:~# [color=green]for f in `ls archives*.tar.Z `; do echo $f; zcat $f | tar -tvf - | grep WHAT_TO_SEARCH_FOR; done;[/color] archives_20141007.tar.Z archives_20141006.tar.Z archives_20141009.tar.Z -rw-rw-r-- 35000 3500 3120 Oct 06 15:00:05 2014 ./00/THE_FILE_INSIDE_ARCHIVE_WHICH_CONTAINS_WHAT_YOU_ARE_SEARCHIG_FOR
How to display the archives which have files with a specific text inside:
root@aix:~# ls archives*.tar.Z archives_20141007.tar.Z archives_20141006.tar.Z archives_20141009.tar.Z root@aix:~# [color=green]./test.sh "archives*.tar.Z" WHAT_TO_SEARCH_FOR[/color] archives_20141009.tar.Z
The script:
root@aix:~# cat test.sh STRING=$2 FILE=$1 if [ -z "$STRING" ]; then echo "What are you looking for?" exit 99 fi for f in $(ls ${FILE}); do zcat $f | tar -tvf - | grep ${STRING} >/dev/null 2>&1; RC=$? if [ $RC == 0 ]; then echo $f fi done
How to remove all whitespace (including tabs) from the beginning of the line to the first word:
# echo " Test, BABY!" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
How to change the extension on files in bulk with rename command:
# find . -name "*.php5" -exec rename -f 's/\.php5/.php/' {} \;
How to remove the extension on files in bulk with rename command:
# find . -name "*.php5" -exec rename -f 's/\.php5/.php/' {} \;
How to print field number X only on lines matching something, otherwise print field number Y with awk:
In this example below, as you can see, I am using the same awk command to print the field I want: virtual disk path
vbox@core:~$ vbm showvminfo irc | grep ^SATA | grep -v Empty SATA (0, 0): /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/irc/irc.vdi (UUID: 6e9e97ff-f312-45ca-8b3e-fa18b9032dd0) vbox@core:~$ [color=green]vbm showvminfo irc | grep ^SATA | grep -v Empty | [/color][color=yellow]awk '/Controller/{print $5;next}{print $4}'[/color] /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/irc/irc.vdi vbox@core:~$ vbm showvminfo egg | grep ^SATA | grep -v Empty SATA Controller (0, 0): /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/egg/egg.vdi (UUID: 6977dea1-e224-4d04-8649-b688baed2430) SATA Controller (1, 0): /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/egg/egg-swap.vdi (UUID: 5b039f89-ed53-4ce8-809b-9aeb84273b36) vbox@core:~$ [color=green]vbm showvminfo egg | grep ^SATA | grep -v Empty | [/color][color=yellow]awk '/Controller/{print $5;next}{print $4}'[/color] /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/egg/egg.vdi /home/vbox/.VirtualBox/dynamic/egg/egg-swap.vdi
How to find out which lines from one file are missing from another:
10:45:41 root@sonic:tmp# cat a 1 2 3 4 5 10:45:50 root@sonic:tmp# cat b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10:45:53 root@sonic:tmp# grep -F -v -x -f a b 6 7 8 9 10