In this article I will show you how to create and set up a syslog-ng in docker container and redirect logs from another container to it.
You should have already a running docker set up. If you do not know how to do that, do a search on this page as I have created several articles for it. Also, web is full of it.
1. Edit the syslog-ng configuration file
What I did was to get the default syslog-ng.conf from within the docker container and edit it according to my needs.
This set up below will create messages_local for syslog-ng logs and messages_HOST_PROGRAM for each docker container, automatically, without any additional filter.
It will work on the fly, you do not need to add custom filters for each docker you configure to send it's messages there.
@version: 3.29 @include "scl.conf" source s_local { internal(); }; source s_network { default-network-drivers( ); }; destination d_local { file("/var/log/messages_local"); }; destination d_network { file("/var/log/messages_${HOST}_${PROGRAM}" template("$(format-welf --scope all-nv-pairs)\n") frac-digits(3)); }; log { source(s_local); destination(d_local); }; log { source(s_network); destination(d_network); };
2. Start syslog-ng docker container - this is how I run mine:
DOCKER_IP= DOCKER_NAME=syslog DOCKER_IMAGE=balabit/syslog-ng:latest DATA_DIR=/docker/DATA/services/syslog/logs CONFIG_FILE=/docker/DATA/services/syslog/syslog-ng.conf docker run -d \ --name ${DOCKER_NAME} \ --restart=always \ --publish ${DOCKER_IP}514:514/udp \ --publish ${DOCKER_IP}601:601 \ --publish ${DOCKER_IP}6514:6514 \ --volume ${DATA_DIR}:/var/log \ --volume ${CONFIG_FILE}:/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf \ ${DOCKER_IMAGE}
The running container should look like this:
23:22:55 root@sonic:logs# docker container ls | grep syslog dd5bcd591fb4 balabit/syslog-ng:latest "/usr/sbin/syslog-ng…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours (healthy)>601/tcp,>514/udp,>6514/tcp syslog
3. Start the container for which you want to send the logs to our newly created syslog container as follows:
This container runs bind9 with a custom docker image.
DOCKER_IP= DOCKER_IMAGE=bind9 DATA_DIR=/docker/DATA/services/bind9 docker run -d \ --restart=always \ --name ${DOCKER_NAME} \ --log-driver=syslog \ --log-opt syslog-address=udp:// \ --log-opt tag=${DOCKER_NAME} \ --log-opt syslog-format=rfc5424micro \ --publish ${DOCKER_IP}53:53/udp \ --publish ${DOCKER_IP}53:53/tcp \ -v ${DATA_DIR}:/etc/bind \ ${DOCKER_IMAGE}
5. Now go to your syslog folder and see if the logs were created
In this setup, you should have the following logs there:
23:40:50 root@sonic:logs# ls messages_local messages_sonic_bind9
That's it. Enjoy!
Useful links: