SAP Useful Commands for UNIX administrator

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How to check the files of SAP instances:

ls -la | grep -v "\." | grep SAPSID

Example for GZRO sid:

gzsap1:gzsadm 21> cdpro
gzsap1:gzsadm 22> pwd
gzsap1:gzsadm 23> ls -la | grep -v "\." | grep GZRO   
-rwxrwxr-x    1 gzsadm   sapsys        10065 Oct 16 2012  GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1

How to check for SAP processes:

ps -ef|grep ...sapSAPSID

Exampe when sap sid is GZRO:

gzsap1@root:/home/root # ps -ef|grep ...sapGZRO
  gzsadm  639012 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 2216006 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 3067904 4382938   0 01:53:38      -  0:00 co.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 -F pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 3993736 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:18 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4071466 4382938   0 01:53:38      -  0:00 se.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 -F pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4337798 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4403234 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4419756 5152776   0 01:53:40      -  0:03 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4476960 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4595808 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4673612 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4931816 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  1:14 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4964496 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  0:30 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 4972616 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5009448 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5075024 5152776   0 01:53:41      -  0:16 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5152776 4382938   0 01:53:38      -  0:03 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5247178 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5328908 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5341212 4382938   0 01:53:38      -  0:00 ms.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5390348 5152776   0 01:53:40      -  0:17 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5394494 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5402860 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5419236 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:39 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5427278 5152776   0 01:53:40      -  0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
  gzsadm 5464238 5152776   0 01:53:42      -  0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1

How to check the SAP services

sapcontrol -nr SEQUENCE_NUMBER -function GetProcessList

Example related to the enviroment from previous examples:

gzsap1:gzsadm 6> sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList

29.07.2014 15:50:19
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
msg_server, MessageServer, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5341212
disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, Message Server connection ok, Dialog Queue time: 0.00 sec, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5152776
rslgcoll, Central Syslog Collector, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 3067904
rslgsend, Central Syslog Sender, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 4071466
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5484544

How to generate system usage and requirements report of an instance

sappfpar check pf=INSTANCE

gzsap1:gzsadm 7> sappfpar check pf=GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1

==   Checking profile:     /local/sapmnt/GZRO/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DIR_INTERFACE =/local/sapmnt/GZRO/interfaces/interface
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DIR_REPRISE =/local/sapmnt/GZRO/interfaces/reprise

Shared memory disposition overview
Shared memory pools
 Key:   10  Pool                         
            Size configured.....:   272000000 ( 259.4 MB)
            Size min. estimated.:   269427202 ( 256.9 MB)
            Advised Size........:   272000000 ( 259.4 MB)

 Key:   40  Pool for database buffers    
            Size configured.....:   674000000 ( 642.8 MB)
            Size min. estimated.:   671240216 ( 640.1 MB)
            Advised Size........:   674000000 ( 642.8 MB)

Shared memories inside of pool 10
 Key:        1  Size:        2500 (   0.0 MB) System administration        
 Key:        2  Size:    50219276 (  47.9 MB) Disp. administration tables  
 Key:        4  Size:      516448 (   0.5 MB) statistic area               
 Key:        7  Size:       14838 (   0.0 MB) Update task administration   
 Key:       11  Size:      500000 (   0.5 MB) Factory calender buffer      
 Key:       12  Size:     6000000 (   5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf. 
 Key:       13  Size:    40500000 (  38.6 MB) Alert Area                   
 Key:       16  Size:       22400 (   0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring
 Key:       17  Size:     2683932 (   2.6 MB) Roll administration          
 Key:       30  Size:       25600 (   0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.   
 Key:       31  Size:    14412000 (  13.7 MB) Dispatcher request queue     
 Key:       33  Size:    30720000 (  29.3 MB) Table buffer, part.buffering 
 Key:       34  Size:    33554432 (  32.0 MB) Enqueue table                
 Key:       51  Size:    18000000 (  17.2 MB) Extended memory admin.       
 Key:       52  Size:      180000 (   0.2 MB) Message Server buffer        
 Key:       54  Size:    20488192 (  19.5 MB) Export/Import buffer         
 Key:       55  Size:        8192 (   0.0 MB) Spool local printer+joblist  
 Key:       57  Size:     1572864 (   1.5 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem
 Key:       58  Size:        4096 (   0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset         

Shared memories inside of pool 40
 Key:        6  Size:   425984000 ( 406.2 MB) ABAP program buffer          
 Key:       42  Size:    70592992 (  67.3 MB) DB TTAB buffer               
 Key:       43  Size:    66806392 (  63.7 MB) DB FTAB buffer               
 Key:       44  Size:    23798392 (  22.7 MB) DB IREC buffer               
 Key:       45  Size:    20726392 (  19.8 MB) DB short nametab buffer      
 Key:       46  Size:       20480 (   0.0 MB) DB sync table                
 Key:       47  Size:    10241024 (   9.8 MB) DB CUA buffer                
 Key:       48  Size:      300000 (   0.3 MB) Number range buffer          
 Key:       49  Size:     2769392 (   2.6 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP)  

Shared memories outside of pools
 Key:        3  Size:    13096000 (  12.5 MB) Disp. communication areas    
 Key:        8  Size:    67108964 (  64.0 MB) Paging buffer                
 Key:        9  Size:    66060388 (  63.0 MB) Roll buffer                  
 Key:       14  Size:    25600000 (  24.4 MB) Presentation buffer          
 Key:       18  Size:      917604 (   0.9 MB) Paging adminitration         
 Key:       19  Size:    76800000 (  73.2 MB) Table-buffer                 
 Key:       41  Size:    25010000 (  23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer         
 Key:       62  Size:    85983232 (  82.0 MB) Memory pipes                 
 Key:       63  Size:      409600 (   0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory          
 Key:       64  Size:     4202496 (   4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf.  
 Key:       65  Size:     4202496 (   4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory  
 Key:       81  Size:       21760 (   0.0 MB) Security Audit Log           
 Key:     1002  Size:      400000 (   0.4 MB) Performance monitoring V01.0 
 Key: 58900101  Size:        4096 (   0.0 MB) SCSA area                    

Nr of operating system shared memory segments: 16

Shared memory resource requirements estimated
Total Nr of shared segments required.....:         16
System-imposed number of shared memories.:       1000
Shared memory segment size required min..:  674000000 ( 642.8 MB)
Currently available maximum segment size.: 35184372088832 (33554432.0 MB)

Swap space requirements estimated
Shared memory....................: 1254.9 MB pool 10  256.9 MB,   99% used pool 40  640.1 MB,   99% used 
..not in pool:  352.7 MB
Processes........................:  286.5 MB
Extended Memory .................: 1280.0 MB
Total, minimum requirement.......: 2821.3 MB
Process local heaps, worst case..: 1907.3 MB
Total, worst case requirement....: 265592.7 MB

Errors detected..................:    0
Warnings detected................:    2
gzsap:gzsadm 8>

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If you want to use this information on your own website, please remember: by doing copy/paste entirely it is always stealing and you should be ashamed of yourself! Have at least the decency to create your own text and comments and run the commands on your own servers and provide your output, not what I did!

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