How to check the files of SAP instances:
cdpro ls -la | grep -v "\." | grep SAPSID
Example for GZRO sid:
gzsap1:gzsadm 21> cdpro gzsap1:gzsadm 22> pwd /local/sapmnt/GZRO/profile gzsap1:gzsadm 23> ls -la | grep -v "\." | grep GZRO -rwxrwxr-x 1 gzsadm sapsys 10065 Oct 16 2012 GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
How to check for SAP processes:
ps -ef|grep ...sapSAPSID
Exampe when sap sid is GZRO:
gzsap1@root:/home/root # ps -ef|grep ...sapGZRO gzsadm 639012 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 2216006 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 3067904 4382938 0 01:53:38 - 0:00 co.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 -F pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 3993736 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:18 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4071466 4382938 0 01:53:38 - 0:00 se.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 -F pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4337798 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4403234 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4419756 5152776 0 01:53:40 - 0:03 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4476960 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4595808 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4673612 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4931816 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 1:14 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4964496 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 0:30 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 4972616 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5009448 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5075024 5152776 0 01:53:41 - 0:16 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5152776 4382938 0 01:53:38 - 0:03 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5247178 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5328908 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5341212 4382938 0 01:53:38 - 0:00 ms.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5390348 5152776 0 01:53:40 - 0:17 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5394494 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5402860 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5419236 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:39 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5427278 5152776 0 01:53:40 - 0:01 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 gzsadm 5464238 5152776 0 01:53:42 - 0:00 dw.sapGZRO_DVEBMGS01 pf=/usr/sap/GZRO/SYS/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1
How to check the SAP services
sapcontrol -nr SEQUENCE_NUMBER -function GetProcessList
Example related to the enviroment from previous examples:
gzsap1:gzsadm 6> sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList 29.07.2014 15:50:19 GetProcessList OK name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid msg_server, MessageServer, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5341212 disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, Message Server connection ok, Dialog Queue time: 0.00 sec, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5152776 rslgcoll, Central Syslog Collector, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 3067904 rslgsend, Central Syslog Sender, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 4071466 igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 29 01:53:38, 13:56:41, 5484544
How to generate system usage and requirements report of an instance
sappfpar check pf=INSTANCE
gzsap1:gzsadm 7> sappfpar check pf=GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 ================================================================================ == Checking profile: /local/sapmnt/GZRO/profile/GZRO_DVEBMGS01_gzsap1 ================================================================================ ***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DIR_INTERFACE =/local/sapmnt/GZRO/interfaces/interface ***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DIR_REPRISE =/local/sapmnt/GZRO/interfaces/reprise Shared memory disposition overview ================================================================ Shared memory pools Key: 10 Pool Size configured.....: 272000000 ( 259.4 MB) Size min. estimated.: 269427202 ( 256.9 MB) Advised Size........: 272000000 ( 259.4 MB) Key: 40 Pool for database buffers Size configured.....: 674000000 ( 642.8 MB) Size min. estimated.: 671240216 ( 640.1 MB) Advised Size........: 674000000 ( 642.8 MB) Shared memories inside of pool 10 Key: 1 Size: 2500 ( 0.0 MB) System administration Key: 2 Size: 50219276 ( 47.9 MB) Disp. administration tables Key: 4 Size: 516448 ( 0.5 MB) statistic area Key: 7 Size: 14838 ( 0.0 MB) Update task administration Key: 11 Size: 500000 ( 0.5 MB) Factory calender buffer Key: 12 Size: 6000000 ( 5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf. Key: 13 Size: 40500000 ( 38.6 MB) Alert Area Key: 16 Size: 22400 ( 0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring Key: 17 Size: 2683932 ( 2.6 MB) Roll administration Key: 30 Size: 25600 ( 0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin. Key: 31 Size: 14412000 ( 13.7 MB) Dispatcher request queue Key: 33 Size: 30720000 ( 29.3 MB) Table buffer, part.buffering Key: 34 Size: 33554432 ( 32.0 MB) Enqueue table Key: 51 Size: 18000000 ( 17.2 MB) Extended memory admin. Key: 52 Size: 180000 ( 0.2 MB) Message Server buffer Key: 54 Size: 20488192 ( 19.5 MB) Export/Import buffer Key: 55 Size: 8192 ( 0.0 MB) Spool local printer+joblist Key: 57 Size: 1572864 ( 1.5 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem Key: 58 Size: 4096 ( 0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset Shared memories inside of pool 40 Key: 6 Size: 425984000 ( 406.2 MB) ABAP program buffer Key: 42 Size: 70592992 ( 67.3 MB) DB TTAB buffer Key: 43 Size: 66806392 ( 63.7 MB) DB FTAB buffer Key: 44 Size: 23798392 ( 22.7 MB) DB IREC buffer Key: 45 Size: 20726392 ( 19.8 MB) DB short nametab buffer Key: 46 Size: 20480 ( 0.0 MB) DB sync table Key: 47 Size: 10241024 ( 9.8 MB) DB CUA buffer Key: 48 Size: 300000 ( 0.3 MB) Number range buffer Key: 49 Size: 2769392 ( 2.6 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP) Shared memories outside of pools Key: 3 Size: 13096000 ( 12.5 MB) Disp. communication areas Key: 8 Size: 67108964 ( 64.0 MB) Paging buffer Key: 9 Size: 66060388 ( 63.0 MB) Roll buffer Key: 14 Size: 25600000 ( 24.4 MB) Presentation buffer Key: 18 Size: 917604 ( 0.9 MB) Paging adminitration Key: 19 Size: 76800000 ( 73.2 MB) Table-buffer Key: 41 Size: 25010000 ( 23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer Key: 62 Size: 85983232 ( 82.0 MB) Memory pipes Key: 63 Size: 409600 ( 0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory Key: 64 Size: 4202496 ( 4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf. Key: 65 Size: 4202496 ( 4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory Key: 81 Size: 21760 ( 0.0 MB) Security Audit Log Key: 1002 Size: 400000 ( 0.4 MB) Performance monitoring V01.0 Key: 58900101 Size: 4096 ( 0.0 MB) SCSA area Nr of operating system shared memory segments: 16 Shared memory resource requirements estimated ================================================================ Total Nr of shared segments required.....: 16 System-imposed number of shared memories.: 1000 Shared memory segment size required min..: 674000000 ( 642.8 MB) Currently available maximum segment size.: 35184372088832 (33554432.0 MB) Swap space requirements estimated ================================================ Shared memory....................: 1254.9 MB pool 10 256.9 MB, 99% used pool 40 640.1 MB, 99% used ..not in pool: 352.7 MB Processes........................: 286.5 MB Extended Memory .................: 1280.0 MB ------------------------------------------------ Total, minimum requirement.......: 2821.3 MB Process local heaps, worst case..: 1907.3 MB Total, worst case requirement....: 265592.7 MB Errors detected..................: 0 Warnings detected................: 2 gzsap:gzsadm 8>